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Can we still have an “Extraordinary Mind” in this Digital Age?
“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” — Steve Jobs
Picture this: You’ve just settled into a plush, velvet-covered cinema seat. The film on the screen? The movie of your life. Do you see a gripping drama, a soaring epic, or, unfortunately, a predictable narrative stitched from hand-me-down ideals and beliefs? If it’s the latter, Vishen Lakhiani’s “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind” might just be the director’s cut you need. I am just fallen in love with all the wisdom from this book, and lemme put it in a simple words for you guys whoever reading this to enjoy the wisdom of it.
Breaking the Brules (Bullshit Rules)
The first time you were told “this is just the way it is,” did you question it? Lakhiani coined the term “Brules” to challenge the societal constructs we’ve unknowingly embraced. Are you living a life of choice or a life of unconscious societal conditioning?
Consider your mind a garden. Brules are the weeds that have grown tall, disguising themselves as beautiful flowers. We must pluck them to make room for authentic plants — our real…